Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

we hope you have enjoyed the show...

let's see, according to this poem, SPLHCB consists of... a biker, a homosexual vegetarian, a bisexual, a Jewish lady, and a Libran. interesting. but none of them are looking for one another. it's not that simple... of COURSE it's not that simple.
the way that "Lonely Hearts" breaks up into stanzas, it's quite obvious that it's structured as a series of "personals" in a paper or something. each separate stanza is a new person looking for love. but they're all looking for love. they all want the same thing out of life, but none of them can find it.

they're all resorting to this ad to find love. it's a simple wish, really. and it's a wish that CAN be fulfilled. any shot that these people get they're willing to take. (not that they're desperate, but they're pretty open minded). and hey, "Who knows where it may lead once we've begun?".

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