Thursday, October 7, 2010

so boycott love, detox just to retox!

so, "Delight in Disorder" is... interesting. and relate-able, I think.

there's definitely that oxymoronic aspect to it. and I like that. I'm a big fan of irony and paradoxes and oxymorons. the "wild civility" of everything makes the world so much more interesting. by this I think that it could be presumed with relative certainty that the speaker means that the best things in life are the things that aren't absolutely predictable. the "wild" side is the coolest part of life, but the civil aspect must be there as well. "civility" is what keeps the world going while the wild things are being enjoyed.

the speaker in the poem also interestingly juxtaposes "pretty" or "good" things with disheveled and disorderly qualities. ribbons and curls fly confusingly, when usually they flutter or wave in the wind. and art, something that has always been regarded for its precise beauty and it's intricacies, is TOO precise. it's too perfect to fit in with what this guy likes.

he prefers to let things come and go and to let things be. he's not into that high-maintenance stuff.

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