Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm not sure how to title this one...

"The Apparition" is strange to say the least. it's also very creepy. the speaker definitely conveys a haunted yet angry tone. he tells the girl that his ghost is going to "come to [her] bed" and that her new guy won't do anything for her. the new guy is going to fake being asleep when she tries to wake him up. apparently, this girl can't get anyone better than him. the only guy she can get now is one who will pretend to be asleep while she wakes up in a cold sweat. sound a little bitter/vengeful to anyone else? reminds me of Paranormal Activity. sorta.

the creepiest part isn't even that he's going to haunt her. ohno. the true creepy part comes when he says "what I will say, I will not tell thee now". he's TEASING her. he's saying, "I'm going to make your life miserable, but I won't tell you how." he's going to let the suspense drive her crazy. maybe he won't do anything, and he just knows she won't call his bluff.

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