Monday, November 8, 2010

hyperactive love story on some sort of amphetamine...

yeah. I said it.

"Interpreter of Maladies" made me think of a hyperactive love story. on speed. I'm not sure what would ever make someone think that an interpreter is able to solve marital problems... but apparently Mrs. Das thinks that Mr. Kapasi can. the kind of unspoken "thing" they had for one another throughout the story kinda made me sick, too. I mean, really? you will never see this woman again. but you're still trying to get with her? you have a wife, for Christ's sake!

okay, but seriously, think about this in terms of a real relationship, will you? first, there's the infatuation. duh, he keeps checking her out in his rearview. she plays it coy (coneofmeaning?!). next, they start talking. exchange addresses, under the guise of mere picture sharing no less! then, finally, the big boys come to play. the huge bomb drops. the one huge secret that plagues the Das marriage gets dumped on Mr. Kapasi, and he can't deal, so they drift apart because she gets upset. he tries to win her back, she storms off, he saves her from rabid monkeys (okay, maybe they weren't rabid). and maybe that's not exactly "normal", but something similar happens in all failed relationships. then, she loses his address. loses all contact with him. done. all the way through a relationship in a matter of mere paragraphs.

and you thought that I was on crack with the whole "hopped up love story" notion... ha! the plot of this mirrors perfectly how a full relationship works and fails. it's pretty rad, actually.

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