Wednesday, November 10, 2010

you indecisive twit...

yes, yooooou Bart. you don't even get the rest of your name right now.

can you seriously not make up your mind? or are you just SOO immensely passive aggressive that you make people whip out commands to make you do things? (that image is much more powerful if you think about it in terms of Spanish, just saying)

hey, will you put this away?
--I'd rather not.
well, will you?
--I'd prefer not to.
but are you going to?
--I'd prefer not doing that.
--but I'd really rather not.

*facepalm* [sigh of exasperation]

so frustrating. and I think that leaves him with issues in terms of relationships with people (d'obviously). he can't function in the real world [coneofmeaning?!], so he stays where he's comfortable. now, I think that not leaving an office is a bit much. and I think that the first company not calling the police is also ridiculous, but it's a story. whatever, I guess.

he reminds me of myself, as much as it sickens me to say that. but I'm not nearly THAT passive. I hope.

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