Monday, February 28, 2011

why are all our plays about crazy people?

I mean really, what's the deal with that?
I'm sorta sick of it, Costello. hahah

I've read (and re-read) Death of a Salesman, and I'm still not entirely sure what's going on. I mean, is Willy entirely crazy? or is some of this actually happening? I can't tell. it's a lot like the Glass Menagerie in that sense. You can never really tell what's happening because it's so... scattered? is that the word I'm looking for? I guess so. In the Glass Menagerie, nothing was reliable because of Tom's obvious bias, but in this, the unreliability comes with the fact that it's so unclear as to what is actually happening. of course, that's the charm of the whole thing, but it's still pretty weird. endearing, and touching, but also really weird.

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