Tuesday, February 15, 2011

be-cause- we NEEEDALITTLECHRISTMAS! //unrelated

okay, I know I've made this entirely obvious in class, but I think Amanda is entirely delusional. Scene 6 pretty much drives the last nail in (ha! more nail-in-coffin-ness). Not only does she tell Tom to "talk sensibly...-and don't be sarcastic!" when he suggests that it's possible that men meet girls that they don't marry, but she's so much more excited about the "gentleman caller" than Laura is. she sorta forces Laura to live in this world where nothing is real except what Amanda believes is real. poor girl. and the way she's always on Tom (anyone else catch the snide "if you tried, you'd have a good job like Mr. O'Connor" remark?) is terrible as well.

also, and most importantly, WHAT IS UP WITH THE YELLOW DRESS? isn't the caller for her daughter?! So, why is she getting all dressed up. and why in the world did she suddenly remember her southern accent on page 1269? I think Amanda gets carried away with pretending things are different. She falls in love with the idea of things, even if said thing doesn't even exist, which is understandable, but also very frustrating. I understand now why Williams described her character as "unwittingly cruel...[but has a] tenderness."

she drives me nuts though.

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