Wednesday, March 23, 2011

characterization, eh?

"He had seen me several times, and had intended to call on me long before, but a peculiar combination of circumstances had prevented it - signed Jay Gatsby"

peculiar indeed. the characterization in this book is pretty direct with all of the characters except Gatsby. generally, Nick just says what they're like. sometimes another character helps us out as well, but generally it's just Nick. in the beginning, he characterized himself straight-up and continues to do so. all of the other characters are loud, obnoxious, quiet, pretty, calm, interesting. they're all given the adjectives you learn to use in any first-year language class. La chica es bonita. Él es alto. blahblahblah. you get the point. but Gatsby is a rather strange fellow. no one knows him. so he's indirectly characterized. we know he likes (or doesn't mind) having parties. he's rather reserved. and Nick doesn't think he has much to say. he's a bit shifty. I'mma keep my eye on him.

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