Wednesday, March 23, 2011


"However, as calmness wasn't and end in itself, I made an excuse at the first possible moment, and got to my feet."

I'm starting to see a pattern here. Nick doesn't like tension. I mean, no one does, but he ACTIVELY avoids it. (by "avoid" I of course mean "runs away from") and it's not just tension for him. he just up and leaves when he feels uncomfortable. it's a pretty common theme I've found. when Gatsby and Daisy are... sitting in silence in Nick's house, he just leaves. when Tom decks Myrtle and breaks her nose, Nick leaves. again. he doesn't seem to want to deal with anything. at all. but he doesn't really seem to have any vice. he's only been drunk twice in his life, y'know.

Nick's pretty self-conscious, I think. it's starting to get a little annoying.

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