Wednesday, March 23, 2011

here's lookin' atcha, kid.

"Let's go to Coney Island, old sport. In my car."

why not use "kid", or "bud", or just plain ol' "sport". this is my rant blog. it has no real relevance. but I don't like that Gatsby uses "old sport" at the end of nearly every sentence addressed to Nick. I'm hoping that there's some profound meaning behind it. I'm sure there's not. it reminds me of those people, usually girls, who randomly throw the word "like" in the middle of sentences. I counted during the Death/Raisin SocSem for some people. in a single comment, a few of the girls got up to 20+ "like" uses that were not necessary or proper. the "y'know"s and "I mean"s are getting bad too. I know I say "I mean" a lot though. hm... I'll work on that. but really, Gatsby? can't you give me a little bit of variety here? I'm dying. I can't stand when people call other people "sport". It really bothers me. I'm sure you can understand how "old sport" is even worse. ugh.

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