Thursday, January 20, 2011

Christian Powers: a font of creativity

luckily, I don't need to read Chrisitan's to come up with ideas for this.
this is my detail blog. yep.

first, my favorite line of the ENTIRE play (so far) is I.i.125-126:
"If this be known to you, and your allowance,
We then have done you bold and saucy wrongs."
essentially: "yo, brah, if you already knew about this, I'm wicked sorry for waking you, but it seemed pretty important, y'know?"

but "bold and saucy wrongs". yes.
"saucy" is my new adjective. it's - forgive me - saucy.

I've also decided to keep track of the number of racial slurs I come across. I'm not sure if that's really something that's meant to be focused on, but I find them interesting. and sneaky at times. for example, I.ii.70: "sooty bosom" isn't really a slur so much as it is a reference. but it's coming from Brabantio in his little rant about how Othello is no good for his daughter or something, so it's probably meant to be taken condescendingly. I'm up to about three that I've caught. but I'm not exactly searching.

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