Thursday, January 20, 2011

y ahora, numero dos.

todavía en Español.

okay. and now number five.
THEMES! yay! everyone's FAVORITE part of analyzing any work of literature, right?

okayso, thus far (Acts I-III) I'm seeing a few recurring themes. two in particular that I remember discussing in class. (oh, so those DID have relevant purpose! haha, only kidding.) firstly: hatred stems from preconceived notions - or something to that effect. Iago has this hatred for Othello that I'm still not really able to understand. I mean, is it because he's black? or is it because he's (is he?) younger than Iago, but has higher rank? quizá es porque Othello has dado a Cassio a higher rank that Iago, and Iago thinks that he deserves the rank? I don't know. all I know is that I don't understand hatred.

secondly, jealousy runs rampant. there's a girl (or two...) involved in all of this. it's nearly inevitable. everyone wants Desdemona. everyone. Emilia probably wants her too. and Emilia doesn't really want Othello or Cassio or anything, but she's jealous of the attention, of course (typical!).

pretty realistic themes. I'm pretty sure that the in-class activity proved that though.

1 comment:

  1. Did you think we were just killing time with those themes?!
