Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Dear ____, this has always been about..."

"To Autumn" by John Keats seems to be a very sensual poem. the imagery used is incredibly vivid and forces the reader to be IN this autumn setting. seemingly effortlessly the reader slinks into this autumn day, much like Keats perceives autumn to just slink in and blend. with its smooth, fluid movements, autumn arrives without much disturbance. according to Keats, one wouldn't just wake up one morning and be able to say "whoa! what happened to summer?! it's autumn already?!". the shift is much more gradual than that and this poem shows it through its imagery.

it doesn't rush to get to the end, but it doesn't drag on either. there is just a steady patience that accurately couples the way autumn arrives. the poem makes autumn to be a time to relax and tie things up. it's a wind-down time. it's the opposite of springtime where things are just getting going. spring gets things up and moving whereas autumn allows them to sloooow doooown.

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