Sunday, August 8, 2010

ah-ha! dos cosas... -TSAR

ah-ha! numero uno:
"I say, is Robert Cohn going on this trip?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Don't you think it will be a bit rough on him?"
"Why should it?"
"Who do you think I went down to San Sebastian with?"
p. 89
so Cohn and Brett DID have a thing! ha! and I'm sensing some sarcasm in the "Congratulations" from Jake. it's sort of like, "congratulations, you get around even more than I had initially thought!"

so the group has decided to go to Spain. I'm not exactly sure why other than to see a bull fight and fish. (I was in Spain all summer, they fish ALL the time). I want to go with them! on the train there's no room, Jake charms his way on. there's a bunch of "Goddam Puritans", and Bill gets hungry and...

ah-ha! numero dos: refers to his frustration at not having food as being "enough to make a man join the Klan." (p. 93)(which also attracts the attention of a priest. *awkwardturtle*) helloooooooo allusion. apparently his hunger is enough to make him burn crosses, kill black people, Jews, Catholics, and basically be completely intolerant of varying beliefs...or so it's suggested. a little harsh there, but an allusion nonetheless.

commence drinking.

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