Sunday, August 8, 2010

bienvenidos a España! - TSAR

"The first meal in Spain was always a shock with the hors d'oeuvres, an egg course, two meat courses, vegetables, salad, and dessert and fruit. You have to drink plenty of wine to get it all down."
p. 100

okay, SO not the case. sure, they eat a lot in Spain, but it's not THAT much. it's more like: bread, first plate (usually salad or pasta), second plate (meat and/or eggs plus veggies), postre (dessert OR fruit), and café, if you're so inclined. this is only at "lunchtime", which is around two. dinner is basically nothing... it's more like what we would usually eat for an appetizer before dinner here. for the whole meal. now that you've had your lesson in Spanish cuisine...

there's an issue with some of the guys and Cohn's being Jewish. I don't think it's a real issue, I think it just covers up the bigger issue that they think he's pig-headed. which I understand, a little. he seems like a big baby... probably an only child. he argues (and bets) with Bill on whether or not Brett and Michael will arrive the same night or not. Bill was drunk, okay, fine, but Robert wasn't. there's no real reason for this. I'm starting to not like Robert very much.

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