Thursday, August 12, 2010

parties and foils (no, this isn't fencing) - TSAR

Jake misses the first running of the bulls in Pamplona because he's sleeping. he's so tired that he doesn't hear the partying going on outside and only wakes up when a rocket explodes to release the bulls. Imagine this for me, dear reader: being in Pamplona during the running of the bulls AND just after Spain's won their first World Cup in HISTORY. it'd be nuts... no one would sleep. I was in a tiny pueblo when I was there and I still couldn't sleep for three days there was so much activity. I didn't even have the running of the bulls to keep me up either. (though those were interesting to watch on TV).

also, how rude is it for Brett to be gushing over Romero ("My God! he's a lovely boy, and how I would love to see him get into those clothes..." p. 181) while her fiancé is sitting right next to her? I mean really, how little tact do you need to do such a thing? her attitude/personality is really starting to bother me. I would definitely call her a foil though. she contrasts Jake (who I would definitely call the main character) in nearly every way. sure, the two are friends, but when it comes to behavior and morals and actions, Brett does without thinking. Jake's more of the thinking type.

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