Sunday, August 15, 2010

see? reading benefits everyone - TTTC

"... I guess it's like being inside a book that nobody's old one. It's up on the library shelf, so you're safe and everything, but the book hasn't been checked out for a long, long time. All you can do is wait. Just hope somebody'll pick it up and start reading."
(p. 232)

I've always had this sort of thought about things. I've had this idea that memories are what really keep people alive. especially after death. we're always told not to dwell on the past, sure. that's good. that's fantastic, it's silly to dwell on the past and regret things. however, reflecting on memories is not a bad thing. in fact, that's what keeps the spirit of things alive. the respect and memory of someone who is either dead or no longer a part of your life. this person could be a friend, a family member, or just some person you used to see every day. these memories are what keeps life flowing, I think. the more we try to forget the past, the more likely we are to make the same mistakes. so, instead of forgetting the past, just don't dwell on it. reflect from time to time, but don't stay for too long. you've got life in the present to live and that's much more important.

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