Sunday, August 1, 2010

graceful exits in the newspaper business -TSAR

I literally just started The Sun Also Rises, and two things came to mind when I finished the first page (11). The first, "hey, that's kind of like me. I take comfort in knowing that I could out-argue nearly everyone I meet, but I find no reason to, generally speaking." The second, "If no one remembers him, why is he important?". But then I remembered that this is Hemingway. I'm sure I'm in for it.

"As he had been thinking for months about leaving his wife and had not done it because it would be too cruel to deprive her of himself, her departure was a very healthful shock." p. 12

The thing I find most strange is that this "frank and simple" person, Cohn, wouldn't leave his wife because he couldn't "deprive her of himself". This character, who is seemingly non-confrontational and likes to stay in the background also has a superiority complex? He felt that his wife would be devastated without him, but then she leaves him instead. And he's (seemingly) fine with it? The wording of that phrase seems like it's a coping method of some sort, but then the divorce is described as "arranged", not "settled", suggesting that there really are no hard feelings between the two... the next wife then seems to be completely controlling and "led him [Cohn] quite a life", suggesting that he doesn't actually do much on his own free will.

but now... he's going to start living his own life? maybe?

also, that talk of "idea planting" on page 20... Inception, anyone?

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