Thursday, August 12, 2010

anaphora and atmospheres - TSAR

"oh, rot"

I can't count the number of times that I've read this line from Brett... it's really a catch-all phrase for her. especially on p. 213, it's used as an anaphora. each thing she says begins with or contains this phrase. until I read this book, I had never heard this used, so I've had to come up with my own significance for it.

much like an "oh, man" in today's language, this could really be used in excitement, disappointment, shock, disgust, and just about any other emotion out there. I think the interesting part of this is the "rot" part though. because rot seems to be much stronger than "man" or even a profanity. rot automatically gives a negative connotation. there is no positivity in the word "rot". as such, I find it very fitting for Brett to be the one to use this term so frequently, especially since, according to Mike, "She hasn't had an absolutely happy life, Brett. Damned shame, too. She enjoys things so." (p. 207) Brett's really had a rough way to go. this little "oh, rot" phrase of hers is her way of saying "oh well" it seems. she doesn't stay too focused on any one thing (or person) for too long. it's quite an understatement for her to say simply "oh, rot" in some of the circumstances, but that's her way of dealing with things.

she doesn't let things get to her and she does what she feels like doing. she lives her whole life in a hedonistic mindset, and though I think she takes that to an extreme, I think we all could stand to do the same for a little bit (just ask Ms. Sander...).

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