Thursday, August 12, 2010

(bull)fights and zombies - TSAR

Chapter thirteen is interesting. quite interesting. of course there's drinking, but this time Mike (why is he sometimes Mike and sometimes Michael?) gets a little out of hand and starts verbally attacking Robert for all kinds of things, mostly for hanging around Brett: "Tell me, Robert. Why do you follow Brett around like a bloody steer? Don't you know you're not wanted? ... Why do you follow Brett around? Haven't you any manners? How do you think it makes me feel?" (p. 146,7) which sounds mostly like the alcohol caused him to finally let his jealousy show, but Brett (and almost everyone else) seems to back him or not say anything to stop him except, "you're drunk". However, true to form, when they separate the two and then meet up later, they both pretend that nothing's wrong. reminds me of a Blink-182 song: "...and I'll smile, and you'll wave; we'll pretend it's okay. the charade, it won't last..."
and it really is a charade. almost everything in this book is a charade of some sort. the characters never really fully express themselves and the only one you get a true sense of personality from is Jake (because we're in his head, too, just like zombies. [the Cranberries, anyone?])

and FINALLY, the first bullfight. not that I like 'em, I'm actually very against them, but there was talk of them, and I was waiting for the first one in the book.

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